What is a Basal Temperature?
A basal temperature is the normal body temperature of a healthy person immediately upon awakening after a restful night's sleep. More precisely, it is the body temperature measured under so-called "basal conditions" (12 hours after eating, after a restful sleep, no exercise, no emotional excitement, normal room temperature). For optimum accuracy, your basal temperature should be taken at the same time every morning upon waking. Changes in basal temperature are related to changes in the female reproductive cycle. By taking your basal temperature daily with an ovulation thermometer and charting it, you can notice slight changes and patterns. These charts of your basal temperature, in addition to other information, can help you understand your menstrual cycle and ovulation.The basal temperature method can be used to help in family planning. Charting of temperature and prediction of ovulation can be used to time sexual intercourse during fertile days to aid in increasing the likelihood of pregnancy.
The BIOS Diagnostics™ Ovulation Digital Thermometer helps you track ovulation with high accuracy temperature, to 100th of a Celsius degree. Minimize the guesswork. Recording you basal body temperature every day can help establish a pattern and help you to pinpoint your specific ovulation time, and in turn, your peak time for conception.
Charting your Basal Temperature with an Ovulation Thermometer:
By charting your basal temperature daily, you can see a pattern and notice the changes that occur in every ovulation cycle. You can record your basal temperature on the enclosed charts. Keeping a charted record for at least three months will usually provide the information you need to determine your approximate day of ovulation during a regular menstrual cycle. Most women keep both the BIOS Diagnostics™ Ovulation Digital Thermometer and temperature Tracking
Chart at their bedsides for convenience.
- Licensed by Health Canada
- Measurement in 60 Seconds
- 1/100th degree readout displays minor changes in temperature to help determine when ovulation occurs
- Water resistant for easy cleaning
- Automatic shut off after 1 minute
- Memory displays last temperature taken on ovulation thermometer
- °C Only
- 2 year warranty
- 6 month ovulation tracking charts
- Protective storage case
- 1 x SR41W battery
- Instruction manual
Additional information:
- Additional ovulation tracking charts Click here
- About Fever Thermometer Resources Click here
Model: 16C2