Happy February Heart Month Everyone!
9/10 Canadians will develop hypertension during their lifetime*
People who monitor at home maintain better control of their hypertension, the leading cause of heart attack and stroke in Canada.**
Having hypertension (high blood pressure) significantly raises your risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event like heart attack or stroke, both of which usually don’t present any warning signs.
Self-monitoring is recognized as one of the most accurate ways to take blood pressure for a few reasons, primarily because people are usually more relaxed at home, but also because people tend to monitor more frequently at home in comparison to how often they visit their doctor.
So this February, make the time for your heart health and take advantage of our great Resources for understanding how and why self-monitoring is so important.
Happy Heart Month!
*Hypertension in Canada, HSFC / CIHR Chair in Hypertension Prevention and Control and Hypertension Canada
**Manica, G. Parati, G. Home Blood Pressure Monitoring, A Tool for Better Hypertension Control, Hypertension, 2011 ; 57:21-23